Gee, five guys were taken off a plane for being suspicious. I'm not even going to link. This comes withint 24 hours of Gossgate, I just don't buy it. Could be something real, but I just don't believe it. I refuse to believe anything this administration says or does any more. They lie. Pretty much always. Rumsfeld lied AGAIN the other day about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq - said he never said he knew where they were - too bad there's video. Cheney does the same thing - he never said there was a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda - again, too bad there's video of him doing just that.
These guys are pathological liars and the media continues to give them a pass, going back for more and more without any increase in skepticism.
The big one might come some day, again, and no one will believe the warnings, and they'll be justified in not believing, because George Bush and his entire administration is based on lies. At some point it's better and safer to just tune them off and take our chances. Listening to them will, only lead you down a path of more and more incompetence and destruction.
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