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More global warming problems

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Sea grasses not growing in the Chesapeake and hay fever in the UK. Nothing to see...keep moving. Showing concern for the climate is just for wackos and has no impact on anything, so pay no attention.

Eelgrass - a lime-green plant with delicate, spaghetti-like leaves - is the dominant aquatic plant in the salty southern bay closest to the Atlantic Ocean. The species is the only underwater plant that lives year-round in the bay, and it is viewed by biologists as a crucial producer of oxygen and shelter for marine life. An aerial survey this spring of Tangier Sound in the lower Chesapeake, as well as Chincoteague and Isle of Wight bays along the Atlantic coast, showed a widespread loss of eelgrass, Naylor said.
And the headline story in the UK's The Independent:
The pollen from trees and grasses that produces allergic reactions in millions of people is steadily increasing with rising temperatures, according to the UK's leading pollen specialist.

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