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Junior Blair - A chip off the old block

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Last year when Tony Blair announced that his son was going to the US to be an intern of right wing extremist Congressman David Dreier, many old Labour party members were outraged that Blair's son would intern for someone who is at the opposite political end of the spectrum. Of course, that's probably because they could not recognize or admit that the leader of their party was more of a wingnut righty than a lefty. After public complaints, Blair suddenly had a change in plans and would spend equal time with a Democrat. How generous and as we now see, what a pathetic joke.

Well after just two weeks, Blair Junior has had a temper tantrum and left that bad old Congresswoman from California, Jane Harman, because she has dared to question the lies of daddy. Let me be the first to say "good riddance" and don't let the door hit you in the ass. Like his dad, Blair Junior sounds like he's all front and no substance and listening to the truth just is not possible, because it just gets in the way. Sounds like he has a real future with New Labour.

Roll Call, a Congressional journal, even described the young Mr Blair as a "dilettante".

But another possible reason emerged for the sudden termination of Euan's tenure: Ms Harman's attitude to the intelligence promoted by his father in the run up to war in Iraq.

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