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The Independent: "No news to report*"

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Just 6,500 Africans died today as a result of a preventable, treatable disease. Today's edition is an excellent, if not disturbing, read. The top story, Aids and a lost generation: Children raising children really registered with me. As a Western foreigner traveling in southern Africa, it's impossible not to be shocked with the constant images of death from AIDS.

When passing through villages, you see fresh graves everywhere and you hear stories every day about the suffering. The most difficult day I experienced was in Zimbabwe where a group of kids, all AIDS orphans, performed the most incredible traditional dance performance I ever witnessed. With the state structure in Zim in ruin thanks to Mugabe, these kids relied on the good will of others to help guide them and provide for them. To think that there are millions of children in Africa (and elsewhere) in similar situations...

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