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Go ahead and tell me there's no problem with military recruiting

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I read something about this the other day recruiters signing up borderline mentally handicapped new recruits and now CNN is reporting on the story of the US military forcing mentally ill troops into combat in Iraq. Of course, this is a complete violation of the law and I hope that people will be held responsible for this but let's just say that I won't hold my breath because no one except low level grunts ever seem to be held responsible. In typical military fashion, they're probably going to find women and/or minorities to blame if someone actually holds them accountable but that's a big "if" these days.

The Hartford Courant, citing records obtained under the federal Freedom of Information Act and more than 100 interviews of families and military personnel, reported numerous cases in which the military failed to follow its own regulations in screening, treating and evacuating mentally unfit troops from Iraq.

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