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Votes still being counted in Italy - may have a re-count

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And I thought that the German elections were close. The results are showing Prodi with a miniscule lead in the lower house and Berlusconi with a one seat lead in the upper house though overseas votes are still being counted. (Isn't it interesting that Italy, France and other countries actually have representatives for overseas voters instead of the US model where we are lumped in with politicians who really don't give a damn about us despite our requirement to report and pay taxes while living overseas? The millions of Americans residing overseas are so poorly represented in Washington compared with other countries.)

Berlusconi is asking for a re-count and the general mood is that Italy will be a rudderless ship for a while until new elections are held. This new mixed government will be unable to make any changes but then again, most analysts had little faith in either coalition to make significant changes or be able to follow through with reforms.

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