Massive. Easily several hundred thousand people, and I'd guess even half a million (or more) at this point.
It was simply amazing. I wasn't expecting much - perhaps a few tens of thousands of people. Oh no. Sure, there were perhaps 20 or 50,000 people when we arrived around 3pm. Then the crowd started just swarming out of the metro and from various side streets. They just kept coming and coming.
And what was particularly interesting was the crowd itself. These were real people, not union organizers, not big DC special interest groups, REAL Latino families, kids, young guys and their friends, moms and dads. You could tell they weren't part of some organized group, they were just real people coming down to fight for their rights and the rights of their friends and families.
I have a ton of photos and video. Will post some shortly.
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Joe and I just got back from the MASSIVE immigration march in DC
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