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Immigration reform is now tied to the "power of the presidency"

| Reddit | Tumblr | Digg | FARK's bad enough that the GOP is calling the shots on immigration reform. If getting a half-way decent bill out of the Senate is left to Bush's power, there won't be any:

The White House is fast at work recalibrating how best to use the power of the presidency to save immigration legislation from languishing for the rest of the year, eager for a victory in what has been a difficult political season for President Bush.
Looks like it will be languishing. So far, the only tactic Bush has is to attack Harry Reid. Not a winning strategy. (see post below)

This passage is classic:
When White House aides alerted Mr. Bush that last-minute parliamentary procedures had scuttled Senate approval of compromise legislation late Thursday, he met them with disbelief.

Impatient with explanations of the technicalities, he wondered aloud how an agreement announced just that morning was suddenly dead, according to a meeting participant who was granted anonymity to speak freely about the encounter.
He wondered aloud? After all these years, Bush still doesn't understand how the legislative process works. It's too hard.

He wondered aloud. The man truly is an idiot. If the "participant who was granted anonymity" thought they were making the Prez look good with this little anecdote -- they were wrong. He looks like the fool that he is. The guy can't be trusted with anything -- even the basics.

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