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DeLay speaks at 9:00 9:10 am

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UPDATE: Favorite quote "The Abramoff affair has nothing to do with me." In DeLay's mind, DeLay's the most ethical guy in the GOP. Funny thing is that he just may be.

Fox is really milking this.

This could be the one time it might be worth watching Fox News -- the official announcement:

DeLay is scheduled to appear on Fox News Channel Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. ET.
The next time DeLay gets this much press attention, he'll be doing a perp walk.

And the rest of the House GOPers aren't off the hook -- they made DeLay and he made them -- as Josh Marshall reminds us:
So DeLay is out. But it's DeLay's House. DeLay's Republican DC machine. They built and fortified it with the money he brought in. The great majority of them voted for the "DeLay Rule" custom tailored for Majority Leader DeLay to avoid stepping down even after indictment. The current Republican membership of the House ethics committee was hand-picked to provide protection for DeLay and the old membership was purged. He's their guy. Their rule rests on his machine. They can run but they can't hide.

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