comsc US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Canadians of Italian descent got Prodi elected in Italy - if you're of Italian descent, you can vote in Italy!
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Canadians of Italian descent got Prodi elected in Italy - if you're of Italian descent, you can vote in Italy!

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Oh this is funny. And if by chance the government falls, we simply must keep George Bush's buddy Berlusconi out of office. You guys can vote, how funny is that! You better register.

Oh yeah, and it's Berlusconi's fault that the Canadians had the right to vote!

The votes of 40,000 Canadian citizens who qualify as "Italians abroad," some of whom have never set foot in Italy and many of whom don't speak Italian, played a pivotal role in the defeat of billionaire Silvio Berlusconi in Italy's election yesterday, according to poll results released late last night.

For the first time in history, a country's political fate appears to have been determined by citizens of other countries, after Mr. Berlusconi introduced a scheme in 2002 that defines eligible Italian voters by blood lines rather than residency.

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