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Bush Bashing -- from GOPers who made him what he is

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AP reports that the GOPers are piling on Bush. Of course, these same Republicans made Bush what he is. They've been a rubber stamp in Congress for all of his policies. They've helped build the deficit. They've been complicit in the Iraq disaster. They've done no oversight. When the Congressional Republicans criticize Bush, they are really just criticizing themselves. The only way to rein in Bush is to get a new Congress:

From Iraq to deficits, from immigration to port security, some of the most pointed criticism leveled at President Bush is coming from within his own party. Republicans these days are almost sounding like perennially divided Democrats.

The rising GOP angst stems from Bush's deep slump in the polls and the growing unpopularity of the Iraq war.

But it also reflects a political reawakening as Republicans follow their own political interests in this midterm election year and as would-be 2008 presidential contenders seek ways to set themselves apart - from each other and from Bush.

"It's open season on him. George Bush has lost trust on too many issues," said presidential historian Thomas E. Cronin of Colorado College. "We saw it happen with Johnson, we saw it with Nixon. And now, sadly, we're seeing it with Bush."
It's not that sad.

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