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The Wash. Times reporter really, really liked the President

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E&P has more on the private chit-chats Bush is having with select members of the White House press corps. Most of the reporters who went to the meeting are keeping it private. But, not the reporter from Reverend Moon's right wing rag. He not only went, he went on the record to say just how wonderful Bush is:

Several correspondents confirmed to E&P either participating in such meetings or being invited to them, noting that at least two have been held in the past week, with one scheduled for Tuesday. Most have lasted more than an hour and at least one took place in Bush's private residence.

"It was very pleasant, he seemed very thoughtful and frank," said Stephan Dinan, a Washington Times reporter and one of about six reporters who took part in a session Monday afternoon. "It was on a wide range of stuff."

Monday's gathering also included reporters from the Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, and Cox Newspapers, according to sources.

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