I just had to share a little bit of an anti-gay email I just got from a lead religious right group (it's one of the groups that claims you can pray away the gay):
Here is the terrifying fact: If we as a nation and as a Church allow ourselves to be taken in by the scam of monogamous same-sex couples, we will be welcoming to our Communion rails (presuming that we still have Communion rails) not just the statistically insignificant number of same-sex couples who have lived together for more than a few years (most of whom purchased stability by jettisoning monogamy); we will also be legitimizing every kind of sexual taste, from old-fashioned masturbation and adultery to the most outlandish forms of sexual fetishism. We will, in other words, be giving our blessing to the suicide of Western civilization.Catch that? Masturbation will lead to the suicide of Western civilization. We're talking nutsy cukoo here. Oh, and you'll note they didn't say "homosexual masturbation," they're talking about the need for the state to prohibit ALL masturbation. (Which might explain what I wrote about last night, my post about why conservatives have grown so constantly angry.)
Think that's just one fringe religous right group going nutso? Let me remind you of what Republican Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote only three years ago in his dissent against the Supreme Court ruling that gays should no longer be thrown in jail simply because of who they are:
State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are likewise sustainable only in light of Bowers' validation of laws based on moral choices. Every single one of these laws is called into question by today's decision; the Court makes no effort to cabin the scope of its decision to exclude them from its holding.Did you get that?
Scalia, the darling of the Republicans, the kind of judge they want to appoint to every court in the country, is worried that if liberals get their way states will no longer be able to make masturbation a crime.
This is what we're up against folks. These are the people the Republican party proudly calls their base. These are the people George Bush proudly embraces as his own, as people who represent what he thinks about God and state.
They want to make masturbation a crime.
That should give you insight enough into what the Republican party, and conservatism, has become.