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Karl Rove pontificates on Bush foreign policy political strategy at GOP fundraiser

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This snippet from AP pretty much sums up the whole Bush operation. Karl Rove, who violated national security by leaking the name of an undercover CIA operative, is out on the hustings preaching the so-called foreign policy of George W. Bush. Basically, as Karl knows, the Bush foreign policy is nothing but a political ploy.

Presidential adviser Karl Rove said Saturday that the Bush administration will not pull American troops out of Iraq until victory is achieved, despite the growing number of Democrats urging a withdrawal.

Abandoning Iraq now would signal to U.S. allies that America can't be trusted, Rove said during a Republican fundraiser at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.

"Tyrants in the Middle East would laugh at our failed resolve," he said. "To retreat before victory would be a reckless act."
There is so much wrong with that last statement. First, "tyrants" are laughing at your failed war already. They, like most of the world, view the invasion of Iraq as a reckless act. And, Bush doesn't even know how to define victory. We're so screwed, but for Karl and company, it's only politics. 2,300 dead soldiers is a heavy price to pay for a political strategy.

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