Markos and Jerome just had a book signing in DC, and the turnout was great. Joe and I went and we were a bit surprised because the coffeeshop, Politics and Prose, is a bit out of the way - we didn't expect people to turn out in an out of the way spot. But that didn't deter the crowd.
I've got photos and some video. I'm putting the photos up now, then more later including video when I get back from a meeting.
You can got to the top of the DailyKos Web site to order the book from various vendors, it's called "Crashing the Gate" and got a very good review in the NYT.
(left to right: Markos Moulitsas, John Aravosis, Jerome Armstrong. Joe in DC was dutifully snapping the photo.)
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Just got back from Markos' book signing, GREAT turnout
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