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Josh goes Mac

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Another one bites the dust.

I'm, finally, getting pleased with my decision to buy an Apple laptop. Took me a good 6 weeks or so to finally start to get comfy with the keyboard and the different function keys, etc. But finally it's all starting to make sense - though I still am having a hard time figuring out where to save files, documents, things like that, in an orderly fashion. But, I've already been finding free software online to do various tasks and have been quite pleased to find that it does exist for Macs. Also, the machine does seem to start up and shut down quicker than a PC, which I like. Also doesn't seem to slow down as much when I have many programs open at once.

Still getting my sea legs, and still haven't had my socks rocked by anything on the Mac vs the PC, but then again, just like Josh, I've been a bit bad about reading the instructions :-)

PS Oh yeah, and my battery does rock.

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