Joe notes below that a NYT op ed calls for Rumsfeld to be fired. But that misses the point. The disaster in Iraq isn't about Rumsfeld, and it isn't even just about Bush. It's about 5 years of Republicans getting everything they ever wanted, and the entire country going to hell.
The nation can't, and shouldn't, let the Republican party and Republican policies off the hook by scapegoating Rumsfeld or even George Bush. Yes, the war in Iraq is a disaster. And yes, Rummy has been a disaster. And yes, George Bush is an incompetent disaster. But they are only symptoms of something much larger. Donald Rumsfeld and George Bush are simply doing what the Republican party has promised to do for years.
1. Cut taxes again and again and again, to hell with the deficit.
2. Overthrow countries we don't like.
3. Massively increase defense spending.
4. Cut back on civil rights and civil liberties.
5. Cut back on social programs, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.
6. Give far-right religious extremists a seat at the table.
7. Gradually outlaw abortion.
8. Attack gays.
9. Overall put government in your bedroom - e.g., Terri Schiavo.
10. Help big business.
11. Increase US dependence on oil (to help big business).
12. Decrease US regulation of big business, to hell with the safety consequences (e.g., the mining accidents).
You get the picture.
The American people voted for and got an entirely Republican government and entirely Republican policies. The Republicans control the US House, the US Senate, the Supreme Court (7 of 9 justices are Republican), and the White House.
What is happening to our country right now is the result of the Republican dream. Ronald Reagan's dream. George Bush's dream. Newt Gingrich's dream. And Tom Delay's dream.
The American people got what they voted for. And if they don't like the direction the country is heading, then stop playing games and blaming Donald Rumsfeld or even George Bush.
We are living under a 100% Republican government executing 100% Republican policies. They're doing what they promised. If you don't like it, don't vote Republican next election, or stop complaining when your elected politicians keep doing what they said they'd do.
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It's not about firing Rumsfeld, it's about firing Bush and the Republicans
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