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Domino's pizza founder to bankroll religious town

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I knew that this guy was a nut, but c'mon. What country does this guy think he's living in? Bankrolling a new town that will govern according to Catholic principles? So let's hear how the American Taliban is so much different from the religious extremists anywhere else in the world. Ugh.

If Domino's Pizza founder Thomas S. Monaghan has his way, a new town being built in Florida will be governed according to strict Roman Catholic principles, with no place to get an abortion, pornography or birth control.

The pizza magnate is bankrolling the project with at least $250 million and calls it "God's will."

Gov Jeb Bush, at the site's groundbreaking earlier this month, lauded the development as a new kind of town where faith and freedom will merge to create a community of like-minded citizens. Bush, a convert to Catholicism, did not speak specifically to the proposed restrictions.

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