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CIA overt and covert identities available for sale

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Ever since I picked up "No Place to Hide" I have been more and more alarmed, not to mention sickened, by the amount of personal data that is being bought and sold out there. I knew that it was out there but we have really crossed a line these days and I don't see either party giving a damn about it. (One of the big players out there has ties to top Dem's which is probably why they are so silent in these days of mega-money campaigns.)

Having CIA personnel data available so easily is downright nuts, but that seems to be the order of the day. When the government is not allowed to gather specific data, they just outsource it to private industry who has done a fantastic job of lobbying Congress to avoid any oversite or restrictions. Way to go Congress...selling out the American public again.

The identities of 2,600 CIA employees and the locations of two dozen of the agency's covert workplaces in the United States can be found easily through Internet searches, according to an investigation by the Chicago Tribune.

The newspaper obtained the information from data providers who charge fees for access to public records and reported on its findings in Sunday editions.

Through the data providers, the newspaper said it identified people by telephone listings, real estate transactions, voting records, property tax records and other financial and legal documents. The investigation also uncovered internal office phone numbers of the agency and covert mailing addresses used by undercover operatives.

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