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The Bush White House at work

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And people wonder why the Bush White House is such an incompetent operation. This tidbit, which showed up over the weekend, explains the mindset of the Bush team:

The White House said it would discipline two government employees who impersonated journalists in advance of a trip by U.S. President George W. Bush to the Gulf Coast, The Washington Post said on Saturday.

The Post quoted a Gautier, Mississippi couple whose home was wrecked by Hurricane Katrina as saying two men identified themselves as journalists during a visit to the couple's home.

Elaine Akins told the newspaper she and her husband Jerry were initially told by the two men that they were Fox News journalists, but that they later identified themselves as Secret Service agents.
What a big joke, huh? They can't rebuild the gulf region, but they sure can get a good laugh at the expense of people who suffered from Katrina and its aftermath.

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