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Abramoff talks to Vanity Fair

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Oh, this is a luscious interview. Think Progress has some excerpts and a link to the pdf of the article. All those GOPers who said they didn't know Jack, they're all lying. And he doesn't appreciate it.

AP has the story too -- and they lead with the Bush angle:

Convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff says President Bush knew him well enough to joke with him about weightlifting. "What are you benching, buff guy?" Abramoff said Bush asked him. The president has said he doesn't know Abramoff.

Abramoff said he finds it hard to believe Bush doesn't remember the 10 or so photos he and members of his family had snapped with the president and first lady.

"He (Bush) has one of the best memories of any politician I have ever met," Abramoff wrote in an e-mail, according to Vanity Fair's April issue being released this week. "Perhaps he has forgotten everything. Who knows?"

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