UPDATE: Editor & Publisher has something on this now. And the local paper told me we crashed their Web site LOL. I think that's officially the first time one of our links crashed a site. :-)Wow, you guys were amazing. In just two hours, we raised over $5,000, with over 180 donations ranging from $1 to $400 (average donation was around $20, so this really was a community effort).
If you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about, see the post below. I've just spoken to the reporter who covered this story - he reassured me that the guy is for real - they've actually been covering his deployment to Iraq for a while now. I'm calling the service member yet.
Here's to hoping that some day we won't need virtual body armor bake sales to help provide for our service members in Iraq.
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We raised $5,000 for the body armor, we more than covered it, thank you!
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