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The Washington Times is "recommending" Democrats stay far away from lefty blogs

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Which of course means that the Washington Times REALLY thinks the lefty blogs pose an incredible danger to the Republican party. Here is the last line in a story I won't link to because I don't like linking to party organs run by religious cults:

Republicans can find strength and success by listening to their like-minded bloggers; Democrats can find strength and success by ignoring theirs.
Now think about it. The Washington Times is a Republican party rag, yellow journalism at its best. They make FOX News look fair and balanced.

So when is the last time the Washington Times tried to give the Democrats sincere and honest advice as to how to win?

Enough said. If the Moonie paper is suggesting the Democrats run from the blogs, then it's because the Moonie paper thinks the blogs are an incredible asset to the Democratic party and pose an incredible danger to the Republicans.

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