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So tell me again why Karl Rove remains in the White House?

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Goss complained that leaks to the news media about classified CIA programs — such as reported CIA secret prisons abroad — had damaged his own agency's work.

"I use the words `very severe' intentionally. And I think the evidence will show that," he said.

Goss cited a "disruption to our plans, things that we have under way." Some CIA sources and "assets" had been rendered "no longer viable or usable, or less effective by a large degree," he said.

The revelations have also made intelligence agencies in other countries mistrustful of their U.S. counterparts, Goss said.

"I'm stunned to the quick when I get questions from my professional counterparts saying, `Mr. Goss, can't you Americans keep a secret?"
Bull. If Goss gave a damn about national security and leaks he'd rip Karl Rove's security clearances. The Bush administration has made clear that politics come first, national security comes second. So spare us the crocodile tears. Fire Karl, then we'll talk.

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