I still say, fine, let him. With what Army? All the soldiers we have in Iraq on the 2nd and 3rd tour? That should be interesting. What Bush is doing is setting the stage for a surgical strike against Iran's nuclear plants - hoping that Iran won't retaliate by invading Iraq. But then what do they think Iran will do? They'll have to do something to respond. Blow up a few embassies in Europe? Some suicide bombers in the US?
We are setting down the exact same course as we did for the invasion of Iraq. The goal was Osama and Al Qaeda, and now we're dealing with a country that supports terrorists and/or extremist and/or people we just don't like in the Palestinian territories and Lebanon. That's nice that we're concerned, but that's not exactly Osama and Al Qaeda, is it? Is there any evidence at all that Iran has sponsored terrorism against the US? If so, then we really don't need an excuse for invading.
I'm not saying that Iran is a nice place. But since when did we become the world's policeman, invading every country that isn't nice? I'm all for making war when it's worthy - going after Milosevic in order to save the Kosovars was absolutely the right thing to do. Invading Iraq in 1991, right again. But Iraq this time around was a mistake built on a lie, and now we're going to attack Iran and just cross our fingers and hope that this time things go better than they did in Iraq? Hope that if we install a "Democratic" government they won't elect some crazies like they did in the Palestinian territories, or still support the conservative religious bad guys like they're doing in Iraq?
Bush's foreign policy involves a lot of "God will provide" finger-crossing. And to date, God hasn't.
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Rummy is setting the stage for us to attack Iran
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