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GOP Intelligence Committee chair reaches deal with Bush to "fix" FISA

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That's nice. Imagine a country where the government can routinely violate federal law by spying on its own innocent citizens, and when it gets caught, it simply "fixes" the law. That means, it changes the law in order to make the illegal behavior legal.

Communist China?
Soviet Russia?
North Korea?
Islamist Iran?
George Bush's United States of America?

Well, yes!

Oh, put aside the fact that the government, for four years, broke the law in order to do something pretty reprehensible, spying on its own citizens. No, the response to that, according to today's Republican party, is to sweep the law-breaking under the rug and change the law in order to let the criminal get away with it, and worse, in order to make the crime now legal and ongoing.

Bush broke the law and the Republican party leadership doesn't care. And why should they? Republicans control the White House, the US Senate, the US House of Representatives, and the US Supreme Court. They control EACH institution. So why should they feel responsible?

So long as we have one-party rule in Washington, just as at the local level, it eventually corrupts whoever is in power. The Democrats learned that lesson after 40 years in power. It only took the GOP 10 years to become just as corrupt.

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