Great, then let's just repeal all the laws outlawing domestic spying - since they're per se unconstitutional and void - and let him have at it.
Though I do have to wonder about the original intent of the framers regarding the president's authority to use spy satellites and super computers to eavesdrop on telephones and email. I must have missed those passages of the Constitution in Con Law 1 and 2.
Oh that's right, activist judges are fine so long as they're taking our rights away.
PS Extra bonus at the bottom of the article, read how Cheney is simply horrified at the "enormous damage" the NYT caused American security by reporting on the fact that our government was illegally spying on innocent Americans.
First off, if Osama didn't know we were tapping phone calls, he's an idiot. Not to mention, Bush told us he was only trying to eavesdrop on phone calls known Al Qaeda members were making to Americans - again, something all of us would have assumed they were trying to do. So what exactly is the news here? What exactly did the NYT tell Osama that he didn't already know?
Second, it's funny that Cheney was never very concerned with the enormous damage his chief of staff did to national security by outing a CIA agent whose specialty was weapons of mass destruction.
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GOP Intelligence Committee Chair: Prez has constitutional right to spy on Americans
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