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Gingrich message: GOP fails at government

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Gingrich basically called the Bush administration a failure yesterday at CPAC. What other message can be drawn from this? After all, the GOP controls the White House, the Senate and the House. If government of the United States is a failure, it's a GOP failure:

Citing multiple government failures after Hurricane Katrina, the former House speaker said the government meltdown at all levels illustrated how badly government needs to be updated in all of its operations.

"The system failed, the city of New Orleans failed, the state of Louisiana failed and the government of the United States failed," Gingrich said. "When you see an American body on an American street sitting there for three days on television because the government can't collect the dead, something has failed.
Gingrich's trashing of the GOP was met by enthusiastic cheering and whooping from the conservative wingnuts at the CPAC conference.

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