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Death squads operating in Iraq?

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Why is it that death squads always seem to follow John Negroponte? Now there are reports of roaming death squads in Iraq.

Maj. Gen. Hussein Kamal, Iraq's deputy interior minister in charge of domestic intelligence, said the investigation followed U.S. military claims that soldiers detained 22 men wearing police uniforms who were about to kill a Sunni Arab man last month.

"We have been informed about this and the interior minister has formed an investigation committee to learn more about the Sunni person and those 22 men, particularly whether they work for the Interior Ministry or claim to belong to the ministry," Kamal told The Associated Press.

"I think there are many people inside the Interior Ministry involved with these deaths or giving the uniforms of colleagues to criminals," she said.

"These officials are helping the criminals by informing them on where targeted people are going or where people are living. They are helping them in different ways."

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