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48 hours in NYC, what to do tourist-wise?

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I have a friend visiting me from France this week, he arrives tomorrow right after our mini-blizzard, and I wanted to take him to New York City for 2 days. It's his first trip to the US (first time in a plane actually, which is kind of funny, because we forget sometimes that not everybody flies a lot), and he's REALLY interested in seeing Amurican stuff. Meaning, the culture, the way we live - top of his list for his visit is he wants to buy a hot dog at a hot dog joint, and he wants to visit an American grocery story and shopping center LOL. He is not, however, a big fan of going to museums.

So, with that in mind, we've got 48 hours in NYC, where should I take him?

I've already got the following in mind as possibilities:

1. Top of the Empire State Building
2. The village
3. Central Park
4. Ground zero (is there still anything to see, are there still memorials up?) - and either way, WHERE should we go, location wise?
5. Times Square at night
6. Broadway
7. Chelsea
8. The subway
9. A good diner
9. Coney Island/Brighton Beach (I love the neighborhood, reminds me of a Neil Simon movie)
10. I'm also doing a taping at Air America, so he gets to see that too.

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