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Frist picks Santorum, head of "K Street Project," to lead ethics reform fight

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Hey, why not just put Osama in charge of Homeland Security? (Though I understand his daughter did get a recess appointment.)

Kidding. But not about Santorum. CREW weighs in.

The choice of Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) this week to head the ethics charge in the Senate demonstrates Majority Leader Bill Frist’s (R-TN) deaf ear to the importance of high ethical standards in the Senate.

According to The Washington Post, shortly before Thanksgiving, Senator Frist, asked Sen. Santorum to draft a package of lobbying restrictions.

“Senator Santorum’s history of unethical behavior suggests that he is more likely to undercut any real ethics reform than he is to toughen ethics rules,” Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW said today. “We strongly question Senator Frist’s decision to choose a Senator that CREW listed as one of the 13 most corrupt Members of Congress.”

Among Sen. Santorum’s unethical conduct:

•Sen. Santorum runs the K Street project, created by conservative activist Grover Norquist and former Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX), in which he ensures that all top lobbying and trade association jobs are filled by Republicans;

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