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CNN's Jeffrey Toobin incorrectly says a lot of Americans support Bush's domestic spying

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"It is an issue where a lot of Americans think, 'we're spying on Al Qaeda, good, and the more the better'." - Jeffrey Toobin, CNN, right now
Well, actually the latest poll shows a clear majority of Americans do not support the administration spying on Americans without first seeking a court order:
..56 percent of respondents in an AP-Ipsos poll said the government should be required to first get a court warrant to eavesdrop on the overseas calls and e-mails of U.S. citizens when those communications are believed to be tied to terrorism.
That's a greater percentage than who voted for President Mandate last November. And it's 14% more than those who think Bush should spy on us without a warrant. So enough of this "a lot of people," Jeff.

While it might be factually correct to call the 42% minority "a lot," you're still trying to give the impression that somehow the nation is divided on this issue, or even better, that most Americans support Bush's domestic spying. A 14-point spread in opposition to Bush, especially in today's day and age when the pro-Bush 50% of the country is willing to support pretty much anything the man does, well that's a big deal. And it hardly justifies suggesting on the air that somehow the domestic spying issue a danger zone for Democrats, and the clear majority of Americans, who think it's wrong.

In fact, you should have said "the majority of Americans oppose spying on Americans without a search warrant."

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