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Bush would have sent the Framers to Gitmo

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Let's face it. George Bush would have sent the lot of them to Cuba, no questions asked. How dare they talk about freedom from tyranny and the right of a people to govern itself? In George Bush's America, our heroes are the Soviets, the communist Chinese, and Castro's Cuba - not Paul Revere, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.

Freedom is for sissies.

It takes a Republican to so mistrust the strength of our democracy that they throw it all out the window in order to "save it."

Today Bush again reiterated his Komrad Bush speech:

"It's one thing to have a philosophical difference — and I can understand people being abhorrent about war. War is terrible," Bush said. "But one way people can help as we're coming down the pike in the 2006 elections is remember the effect that rhetoric can have on our troops in harm's way, and the effect that rhetoric can have in emboldening or weakening an enemy."
Yes, when we exercise our freedoms, the ones our soldiers are supposedly dying for over in Iraq, we actually jeopardize those freedoms and aid the enemy. In Bush-world, the only way to fight the enemy is to jettison our freedoms and destroy our society, which ironically, is what the enemy was after in the first place.

Then again, this is the man who thinks defeat is a sign that we're winning. So I'm sure he has no problem with destroying democracy in order to save it.

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