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Alberto Gonzales should recuse himself from domestic spying investigation

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We now know, per the NYT story Joe cites below, that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was a key player in the Bush administration's illegal domestic spying program. There is no way Gonzales can now investigate who leaked the existence of the program to the New York Times when the leaker might have been Gonzales himself. Gonzales was one of the key players in getting the program running, he can't also be in charge of the investigation?

And another thing. Since Andy Card and Alberto Gonzales were two of the key players getting the program running, they're liable to criminal sanctions for breaking the law. Bush may not be touchable under criminal law since he's a sitting president - the only path to get him might be impeachment - but Gonzales and Card can be investigated, arrested, and jailed for committing a major felony. I think that's one road we need to follow now.

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