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The A.G. will testify before the Senate on the illegal domestic spying operation

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Of course, Gonzales already thinks the NSA domestic spying program is legal. After all, he was White House Counsel when it began. Be interesting to see what he says when he does testify. We all know that the Bush people will say anything for their cause (whatever it is) -- even if they are under oath before Congress:

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Friday he will testify publicly at a Senate hearing on the Bush administration's domestic spying program, in the face of questions from lawmakers and legal analysts about whether it is lawful.

Gonzales said he reached an agreement with Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to answer questions about the legal basis for the National Security Agency's warrantless eavesdropping on telephone conversations between suspected terrorists and people in the United States.

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