We've now got a second t-shirt shop that is way way way cool. Not only are they letting us sell anti-Ford t-shirts, but the functionality of the shop is astounding. You pick the design, then you pick the color of the design, then the style of your tshirt, then the color of your tshirt, then you can start switching them all around on the page in front of you. You can even make the design larger and smaller, move it around on the shirt, AND INCLUDE YOUR OWN PERSONAL TEXT ON THE SHIRT. I.e., come up with your own slogans about anything.
(Note: We're still waiting for an official response from Ford to the gay groups' meeting with them on Monday. That response is expected Wednesday. So if you buy the Ford shirt, just be aware they might (or might not) do the right thing on Wednesday.)
I'm serious, I am really impressed with the functionality here. It might take you a few minutes to get the hang of it - there are a LOT of options at your fingertips. Play around with the controls, you'll see what I mean. It's cool.
We only have a few of our best-selling designs up so far. We'll have even more up tomorrow and in the days ahead. But I was excited that the shop is live and figured I'd let you check it out, and order already if you want.
One last thing, if you click around you'll see that are a lot of generic images you can use as well for the shirts, again allowing you to insert your own text - might make some unique Christmas gifts, or whatever gifts, or even your own unique anti-Ford shirt.
You can visit the shop here.
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We've got a new t-shirt shop that is WAY cool
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