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So now Hastert wants more ethics training

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After Scooter Libby got indicted, The White House staff had to do ethics training, now Hastert wants "new ethics training for lawmakers"....shouldn't these guys know the rules by now?:

House members and aides said Mr. Hastert broached the subject in a closed-door session with House Republicans while they discussed former Representative Randy Cunningham, the California Republican who pleaded guilty last week in an extensive corruption case that has stunned colleagues.

"The speaker wants members on both sides of the aisle to understand the nuances of House rules," Ron Bonjean, a spokesman for Mr. Hastert, said about the plan.
Two quick things for Hastert and Bonjean: 1) the corruption is almost exclusively on the GOP side of the aisle and 2) there isn't too much nuance to bribery and the other rampant corruption perpetrated by Cunningham and the indicted Majority Leader.

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