This time the problem is that they were using cookies on their site that did not expire until 2035, a clear violation of US government law. And their response? In an "oops, the dog ate my homework" kind of way, they claim that it was related to a software upgrade. Uhhh, how's that? Putting anything new into a government software system, especially at the likes of NSA, is not an easy process and requires plenty of testing and you have to follow multiple steps that are all highly regulated so that problems like this do not happen. What a cheap excuse by the NSA. Cookies are not necessary a big problem but it's the lies and the violation of US law that bothers me. We have laws in place for a reason.
The reality here is that spying on citizens is a serious problem and the trouble starts at the top. What ever happened to the land of the free and why is the US becoming more and more like a dictatorship?
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NSA crosses the line again
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