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Fitzgerald's had a busy week

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Okay, we know he was at the grand jury on Wednesday. He deposed Time Magazine's Viveca Novak yesterday. And according to the Washington Post, he deposed Rove's Lawyer, Robert Luskin last week, too:

In another twist, the lawyer, Robert D. Luskin, was deposed on the same issue last Friday, a source close to the case said.

Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald's questions in both sessions focused on the same subject: the conversation that Luskin and Novak, longtime friends, had over drinks sometime in the first half of 2004 about Rove's potential exposure in the probe.
This is the conversation that's supposed to save Rove according to the rumor mill. Cause you know Karl is so overworked, he can't remember every little detail of who he is smearing when. Novak is going to write about her testimony in Time Magazine this weekend (it gets posted Sunday afternoon). Til then, we have this to chew over:
Sources familiar with their conversations say Novak's and Luskin's accounts to Fitzgerald appear to conflict on when they spoke.
The timing is apparently everything for Karl, because this is what allegegedly jogged his memory about Cooper...or not:
But one person close to the case said the conversation took place before Rove's first grand jury appearance in February. This person said the conversation was not the event that led Rove to change his testimony.
Stay tuned. Just remember one thing: prosecutors don't go to the grand jury unless they want to prosecute someone. They don't do it to exonerate someone.

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