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Bush, Frist, Mehlman continue to attack 4 GOP Senators

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Craig, Murkowski, Sununu and Hagel have been on the end of vociferous attacks by Bush, Frist and Mehlman over the Patriot act, but they are all standing firm:

For this week, at least, the most striking thing they have in common is an unshaken resolve to oppose the law's proposed renewal despite heated appeals by President Bush. "The senators who are filibustering the Patriot Act must stop their delaying tactics," Bush said Monday. He said he will not sign a temporary extension of the existing law, a plan pushed by Democrats who want to allow House-Senate negotiators to resume talks in hopes of a four-year renewal.
When you have the head of the Republican Party in the mix, you know the whole issue is being set up as partisan politics. That manly stud, Ken Mehlman, sounds just shrill in his outrage, except, the outrage must also be aimed at his own people:
"It's wrong to put politics before national security," Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman said in an interview yesterday, as he visited the Capitol to seek a break in the legislative logjam.
Ken, Ken, Ken, calm down...listen to Senator Sununu who said it's not a partisan issue.

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