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Next up: Religious right wants to take away your right to a divorce

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Joe (in DC) told me months ago that the goal of the religious right wasn't to target gay marriage, even though this is what they claimed. Rather, they want to ban divorce, Joe kept telling me. I wasn't sure he was right. Now it's clear from this article that he is.

Just like with abortion and contraception, the religious right is going to come into your nice cozy heterosexual married bedroom and tell you how to live. I interviewed a former lawyer with the American Family Association who told me that if he were a state legislator, he'd vote to ban all forms of oral sex between straight married couples in their own bedroom. How you like them apples?

You think this is just about gays getting married or women having abortions? Just wait. They came into Terri Schiavo's bedroom, they came into mine, and now they're coming into yours.

Welcome to our world.

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