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Cheney, Pentagon Meet Spy - Censor Media

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There is nothing that they won't do. They talked about oil, of course, because meeting with a spy is fine evidently so long as oil is involved. From Reuters:

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Chalabi, once embraced and then shunned by the Bush administration, held talks with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Monday but the Pentagon did not allow television cameras to record the event.

He also held a private meeting at the White House with Vice President Dick Cheney after his 45 minutes of talks with Rumsfeld, but Cheney's office would not provide details.

Chalabi's trip to Washington has angered Iraq war critics who have denounced the visit of the man most associated with discredited prewar intelligence on Iraq.

Democratic lawmakers have demanded to know why Chalabi was meeting top U.S. officials after allegations he had passed American secrets to Iran and they urged congressional committees to subpoena him for testimony.

A senior U.S. defense official said Rumsfeld and Chalabi discussed the importance of protecting Iraq's oil and electric power grids from insurgent attacks and improving intelligence-gathering by U.S.-led military forces in Iraq.
Chalabi was taken into Iraq by the American forces, along with an armed group of supporters, as Washington tried to build a new power structure in the weeks after the invasion. But he soon fell into disfavor, targeted with allegations that he betrayed U.S. secrets to Iran.
It was nice that they threw the electric grid in there, wasn't it? Like they actually care about the Iraqi people. They don't care about the American people, ahem, Katrina, let alone Iraqis.

Chalabi should be in front of an investigatory committee under oath, not having access to the halls of American power. If Democrats were in charge of the House and Senate you can be sure this guy wouldn't have had the guts to set foot in the country without being subpoenaed.

Remember, we're not calling Chalabi a spy, the administration called him a spy, and yet now they meet with him? Is it any wonder why the public doesn't think that the President is honest?

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