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White House spokesman: Don't believe all the hype about Harriet being anti-abortion

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First you read this paragraph, from (which Joe cites below), and you get worried:

Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers pledged support in 1989 for a constitutional amendment banning abortions except when necessary to save the life of the mother, according to material given to the Senate on Tuesday.
But the you read the response from the White House and you realize everything's okay:
"A candidate taking a political position in the course of a campaign is different from the role of a judge making a ruling in the judicial process." said Jim Dyke, a White House spokesman.
You see, the White House is going out of its way to say that this is spurious evidence at best of Harriet Miers being pro-life.

Yep, that's what 39% in the polls does for you. The White House starts to undercut itself. Not that I believe a thing the WMD White House says about anything anymore. But it is funny, and weird, that they're intentionally undercutting the very message they need to get out to their base - that Miers will overturn Roe.

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