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Sunday Night Open Thread

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Well Mr. President, after the morning shows, the morning papers, and Mr. Fitzgerald, you're going to be wishing for these before going to bed. It's going to be a long week if they don't show up to save you. May I suggest:

Four Horsemen

Scale ingredients to servings
3/4 oz Jose Cuervo® Especial gold tequila
3/4 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur
3/4 oz Rumple Minze® peppermint liqueur
3/4 oz Bacardi® 151 rum

Pour contents in shaker over ice and shake well. Pour into glass. This is a big shooter so you have to use a small rocks glass.
I thought he needed a "big shooter". Open thread away!

P.S. I'm off to Iceland this week for the Iceland Airwaves music festival. Any Iceland advice welcome!

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