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New poll has even more bad news for Bush and GOP

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For a team that is in a free fall, it ain't a pretty site. Looks like there is quite a few issues that the Democrats can work with for 2006.

"Things at home are in peril, and we're spread thin throughout the world," said Nick Tepsic, a surgical technician in Boynton Beach, Fla., who is a political independent. "We need to be worrying about things at home. We have a terrible debt going on; we need to improve education; we had two terrible natural disasters here. Our money could best be spent in other ways."

"The hurricane issue has refocused people on government's response to big domestic problems," said Robert Blendon, a public opinion analyst at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. "Gas prices are the big change over the last four months. It's really impacting families, and they are worried about it for the impact this winter."

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