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I hate when the Wash Post scoops me

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I was just telling Joe that the fact that the FBI was reportedly asking Valerie Plame's neighbors, just yesterday, if they knew she was CIA before Novak's story broke, shows that Fitzgerald is still considering charging someone with violating the law regarding outing CIA agents.

Then, what do I find, but an article in tomorrow's Washington Post saying just that.

Damn them.

But in brighter news: SWEET!

In a possible sign that Fitzgerald may charge one or more officials with illegally disclosing Valerie Plame's CIA affiliation, FBI agents as recently as Monday night interviewed at least two people in her D.C. neighborhood to determine whether they knew she worked for the CIA before she was unmasked with the help of senior Bush administration officials. Two neighbors told the FBI they were shocked to learn she was a CIA operative.

The FBI interviews suggested the prosecutor wanted to show that Plame's status was covert, and that there was damage from the revelation that she worked at the CIA....

In a sign that Fitzgerald continues to gather evidence, FBI agents interviewed at least two of Wilson's neighbors in the Palisades neighborhood Monday night. Marc Lefkowitz and David Tillotson said yesterday that they told the FBI they had no clue that Plame, who they knew by her married name, Valerie Wilson, worked for the agency until Novak's column appeared.

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