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Does Harriet Miers think gay people should be thrown in jail?

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The religious right wants to know, and you know what, I want to know too.

Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness.... says she is concerned about Miers' views on using foreign law in rendering Supreme Court decisions, as Sandra Day O'Connor and other justices did in the Lawrence v. Texas case. "That's the one that struck down all the sodomy laws remaining in this country," the CMR spokeswoman asserts. "It overturned a previous American precedent -- one that was not all that old and didn't need to be overturned. Foreign court rulings were used in support of that opinion." For this reason, Donnelly says the public needs to hear from Miers firsthand what her positions are on these crucial issues.
I'd LOVE for Miers to have to explain her views on Lawrence v. Texas. Should gay be people be thrown in jail simply because of who they are? Does Miers agree with Justice Scalia who argued so - uh - interestingly in his dissent that Lawrence v. Texas was a bad decision because it no longer would let the government regulate masturbation?

Inquiring minds, and hands, want to know.

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