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Cheney plan allows prisoner abuse

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It's amazing how cavalier Cheney and Bush are when it comes to dishing out abuse to detainees. The new plan that they are proposing would allow the CIA to get around the recent Senate vote that forbids abuse. Do these people not see that abuse is counter productive? What a black eye on America these people have been. Why does the GOP hate America and American values?

Cheney's proposal is drafted in such a way that the exemption from the rule barring ill treatment could require a presidential finding that "such operations are vital to the protection of the United States or its citizens from terrorist attack." But the precise applicability of this section is not clear, and none of those involved in last week's discussions would discuss it openly yesterday.

McCain, the principal sponsor of the legislation, rejected the proposed exemption at the meeting with Cheney, according to a government source who spoke without authorization and on the condition of anonymity.

"This is the first time they've said explicitly that the intelligence community should be allowed to treat prisoners inhumanely," said Tom Malinowski, the Washington advocacy director for Human Rights Watch. "In the past, they've only said that the law does not forbid inhumane treatment." Now, he said, the administration is saying more concretely that it cannot be forbidden.

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