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Bird flu hits Turkey - Bush still has no serious plan

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Two thousand turkeys in a farm were infected with the disease and destroyed to help stop the spread of the disease. The local officials are saying everything is OK, they're doing everything needed to stop the spread of the disease but the reality of the situation is that this disease is spread from migratory birds and this turkey farm is next to a nature park. Turkey is an important location for bird migrations from Asia and into Africa so this discovery is extremely serious and could be the beginning of the spread into Africa, a continent that cannot afford to be hit with bird flu.

Meanwhile, back in the US we have a president scrambling to get rapid production from Big Pharma (at a special cost, no doubt) because despite knowing about this problem for years it's only now becoming an emergency. The last time I saw specific numbers, the US will have enough supplies for 2% of the population whereas western Europe was closer to 10-20 times that amount. Finland is even buying enough for the entire population.

The Bush plan seems to be a Star Wars-like plan or a model based on their war on terror, which is to fight it "over there" and prevent the deadly flu from hitting US soil. Hmm, so in a nutshell, blame it on the fuzzy foreigners again ("no one in the world is ready" - ha, very false) and then somehow stop the movement of migratory birds. Interesting. So are we going to see big safety nets up in the sky blocking birds? Are we going to somehow be able to stop all people moving around? Are we going to check every shipment of food coming in to the country? With plenty of other Brownies out there, I think we can all guess the actual readiness of this administration.

Forget about the talk from these people, because we all know they struggle with reality. The US is not ready now and won't be any time soon. Let's hope that the avian flu plods along slowly because otherwise it's going to be a major problem. Wasn't this the administration that ran on their claims of keeping America safe? Who's feeling safer now?

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