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6:12 AM is just wrong

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I can't believe people actually get up at this hour. I'm up because I'm heading to Boston shortly with Mike Krempasky of to speak about blogging and journalism at the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, & Public Policy at Harvard this morning. We were invited by CNN's Judy Woodruff, to speak to her study group on "The Effect of the Internet/Blogosphere on Journalism." Should be fun, but for the fact that this hour of the morning is just wrong.

I've spoken on panels with Mike before, I like him. He's quite smart and interesting. He helped engineer Rathergate, and yeah yeah, I know, we don't like that, but it really was amazing to hear on our previous panel how they did it. It was quite well done.

Mike's commenters on his blog were less kind about me (of course, I can only imagine what you guys are gonna write). I just had to post this comment:

You're a better man than I, Mike, for being willing to sit alongside Aravosis, who is undoubtedly one of the most loathesome specimens in the blogosphere.
I like that :-)

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